Thursday, May 26, 2016


Let's start. Hi everyone. Today I am going to tell you how to be rich in a minute. People often get confused for what being rich means. Everyone wants to be rich but what actually rich refers to, only few know that. When I say so you might think I am bluffing but actually I am not. First I would like to categories rich people into categories. In my world I have 4 groups of rich people as follows:

The below grouping is done only on the basis of financial aspects. Other aspects like relationship (social), religion (spiritual), diseases (health) and others are somewhat completely ignored.

1. Rich-Rich:
The first group is rich-rich people. They are the once with a lot of money and a big, wide heart. They truly are rich because spending money for them is not a problem. They are relatively happy then other categories because they usually don't worry about money and status. The only thing that makes them worry is criminals and getting kidnapped, harassed because of their class.

2. Rich-Poor:
These are the most irritating living beings. They have enough money but never want to admit that they have money. They live their life compromising in everything. They never want to spend money for other and are the most greed ones among all. They calculate the value of almost everything, even their happiness which is somewhat priceless. They are depressed and worried most of the time because they keep thinking about their income and expenditure most of the ti

3. Poor-Poor :
These are the true poor peoples. They really are helpless when it comes to money. Whether they are greed or not it doesn't matters as they don't anything to give and are always in need. They know their financial limits and act accordingly. They are the most intelligent and far-sight category which it comes to financial planning as their need teaches them to act accordingly. They are the most struggling and most unhappy group of people.

4. Poor-Rich:
The funniest thing about this group is they are never out of money though they don't have any source of income. They are the happiest ones as they have no worries for anything. They spend money without any care but when they are out of it they can do anything to earn it back. They aren't greed when it comes to living but are not that intelligent to save money. People of this category are never said or tensed.

We knew that there are four groups of people and most of the people who are reading this fall under fourth or second categories. Very few percentage of third group come here and almost no one from first category read these things. So now you know that you are rich but in a different way so I was right I made you reach in just few minutes or seconds. 

But also if you want to know the trick to being rich then never ever go after such things like "being rich in 1 minute" and all as these things aren't possible unless you are super-duper lucky. 

However, if you need motivations and knowledge for being rich then just follow out next post I will be talking about things to do to be rich.

Finally thank you for reading.
Agree with me or not comment below we always love your thoughts and voices.



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